Our Industry 4.0 Services
Leverage our domain and technology expertize for your Industry 4.0 initiatives
Industry 4.0 Workshop
Industry 4.0 scope is vast and can be intimidating. We help you to give Overview, steps to achieve maturity level, Technology and Tools involved, Typical use cases, Platforms available.
This will help you take definitive steps in your Journey to Industry 4.0.

Industrial Internet of Things
We have good expertise on IoT protocols MQTT, AMQP, DDS, CoAP, LoRa, BLE, NFC and LTE; electronics components, Sensors of various types.
Together with Edge computing this helps to send Edge Device information to Cloud, build newer edge devices for IoT.
Cloud and Edge Computing
Resonating Mindz team has expertize on development on Edge devices. With Edge computing helps reduced bandwidth requirements and cloud computing resources at the cenralized location. Cloud computing helps to perform Server side large data storage, computing, analytics and executing machine Learning algorithms to achieve optimization of cost, computing speed, reliability and service with pay as you go model.

Machine Learning
Our expertize on Statistical Modelling and Supervised/Unsuperwised machine learning algorithms help to recognize patterns and draw conclusions from them. Predictive maintainance, supply chain optimizations, Inventory optimizations, customer usage statistics and market feedback on Product quality are some of the examples to apply Machine learning effectively.
Data Science
With its expertize on Data Science tools and technologies such as Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, Tableau, R studio, QlikView, Google TensorFlow™ and more, Resonating Mindz helps to collect stream data from connected devices and process them for value-added operational analytics: Optimizing supply chains and the management of assets.
Key use cases include Anamoly detection, Predictive Analytics.