Minimizes Downtime and Reduces Defects
Avoids unplanned outages, minimizes downtime, works safer. Enables proactive, cost optimized maintenance activities. Catastrophic failures are avoided resulting in reduced number of defects.
Extends life of the Motor
By detecting and notifying the issues regarding the Motors, Condition Monitoring enables you to proactively correct issues before Motors are damaged. This preserves the health and extends the life of your assets.
Optimizes your Maintenance Processes
Your staff focuses on Motors only when they need maintenance and can perform other tasks. By intervening only when Motor maintenance is really required, you have reduced maintenance activities, still maintaining high availability and reliability of the Motors.

Key Features

Monitoring and Prediction of Faults
Monitors all Motors of your Production Process all the time. Provides Web Interface and Mobile app.
Predict faults before they occur and send notification on Mobile and Web
Covers all major components of the Motor - rotor, stator, shaft, bearings, brushes or slip

Ease of Installation
Can be installed on any Motor - new or old motor.
Takes only 5 minutes.
Even with Motor running.

Wireless Communication
No wires required for the sensors.
Its Battery operated with battery lasting for more than 1 Year.